Collective Bargaining Insights: Your Guide to Understanding

Collective Bargaining Information

  • The Collective Bargaining Process Learn about the steps involved in collective bargaining. [Available for download: PDF version]
  • A Comparison: PRN and Traditional Labor Organizations Discover how PRN sets itself apart from traditional labor unions.
  • NLRB v. Kentucky River: Who is a Supervisor? Gain insights into the definition of a supervisor and its impact on collective bargaining.
  • Physician Collective Bargaining Originally featured in The Health Lawyer (December 2000), this article explores the landscape of collective bargaining for physicians.
  • Physician Decision-Making in Health Care Systems Read the 1996 AMA Council of Medical Service Report on how physicians navigate decision-making in complex health care systems. [Also available as a PDF: Physician Decision-Making]
  • Your Rights Under the Law Understand your legal rights when it comes to collective bargaining. [PDF version also available]

PRN Governance Documents

  • Amended Bylaws of the Physicians for Responsible Negotiation [PDF format]
  • Constitution of the Physicians for Responsible Negotiation [Download the PDF version]
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) Agreement [Available as a PDF: LLC Agreement]

We appreciate your interest in PRN and hope these documents provide the insight you're looking for.